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Author Archives: Faith Downing

Breastfeeding in Public

I remember with clarity the first time I attempted to breastfeed my newborn son in a public setting (in actuality, though amidst a group of people, we were still in the privacy and comfort of a good friend’s home.) I was doing my best to make breastfeeding work since I had learned during pregnancy all […]

financial responsibility

Money Hacks For The Now: Saving In The Present Season

Whether you’re a student or a young parent, saving money at a young age can be challenging, especially in an economy with rising prices and inflation. Up Next: 5 Life Lessons Every Woman Should Learn By 25 With the right tools and resources, saving money can be done! Here are a few tips and tricks […]

finding joy in life

Anchoring to Joy: How to Cultivate Peace in the Chaos of Life

This time of the year is challenging and often demanding. Beginning a new year can feel like starting again with the stress of new and remaining challenges. It can sometimes feel like the chaos doesn’t stop but shapeshifts into “the next thing”—medical issues, unexpected bills, family and friends in need, car accidents, storm damage, job […]

managing stress

Bring the Action: Steps for Dealing with the Stress of Returning to School

As summer winds its way to a close and school begins again, many high school students are immediately thrown into the deep end of juggling an ever-increasing workload, a part-time job, and numerous athletics and extracurriculars. Up Next: How Stress Affects The Way You Think & How To Cope With this immediate increase in stress, […]

Teen To Teen: Learning to Love Myself, Day by Day

Seven in ten girls believe that they’re not good enough or don’t measure up to society’s standards, whether it’s looks, performance in school, family life, or relationships with friends. Over 70% of girls age 15 to 17 avoid normal daily activities, such as simply attending school, when they’re feeling insecure.

healthy tech habits

Healthy Habits For Managing Screen Time

Around six months ago, I noticed I wasn’t sleeping as well as I had been in the past. I was having a hard time falling asleep, and I would wake up several times a night. My typical routine was to get into bed and scroll on my phone until I felt I could fall asleep; […]

Birthright St. Charles

Paying It Forward With Diaper Days

In light of the challenges presented by COVID-19 over the past year and to support and reconnect with our community, the staff of Birthright St. Charles has instituted “Diaper Days” to pay it forward to pregnant and parenting families in need. We hope to help more families while also developing relationships, sharing our services, and […]

reach out for help

Reaching Out for Help

Some people naturally struggle with reaching out and asking for help. I should know; I am one of them. The truth is, it’s hard to ask for help. While I can’t say I’ve completed a journey of discovery to find myself and have finally moved past this issue, I am proud to say I’m working […]