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Category Archives: Mental Health Matters

Birthright St. Charles - Listening

Listening with Purpose: Building Bridges in a Divided World

In today’s world, people seem less willing to accept differing viewpoints. Even when presented with facts, personal agendas can overshadow rational thought. It feels like anger and emotion dominate, leaving little room for understanding someone else’s perspective or finding common ground. While I’m not perfect in this regard, I strive to keep an open mind. […]

Finding a Safe Path Support for You and Your Newborn

Finding a Safe Path Support for You and Your Newborn

Being the parent of a newborn can feel overwhelming. Sometimes, it may feel like more than you can do, and you need a safe way out. Missouri’s Safe Place for Newborns Act of 2002 allows a parent to anonymously leave a newborn child with hospital staff, firefighters, emergency medical technicians, law enforcement officers, or pregnancy […]

Birthright Offers Text Messaging

Birthright Now Offers Text Messaging

If you think you’re pregnant, talking to someone over the phone can be difficult. You may not know what to say or how you feel. That’s why Birthright of St. Charles now offers text messaging. Text Your Requests, Questions, & Concerns to a Friendly Ear It’s becoming less common to pick up a phone and […]