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Category Archives: Teen To Teen

Teen To Teen is a series of blogs written by teen authors for teens on topics that matter most to them. Please Note: “Teen to Teen” should be considered peer-to-peer advice and support. It is not given in place of professional consult or care.

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reach out for help

Reaching Out for Help

Some people naturally struggle with reaching out and asking for help. I should know; I am one of them. The truth is, it’s hard to ask for help. While I can’t say I’ve completed a journey of discovery to find myself and have finally moved past this issue, I am proud to say I’m working […]

body positivity

Teen To Teen: Mission Possible: Love Yourself, Love Your Body

Authored by: Elizabeth Petruso Whether you are a size one or a size 13, 5’1” or 6’2” you are beautiful in a unique way, in which no one else can be.  Up Next: 8 Reasons To Value Sisterhood Today & Everyday Social media shares the idea that being skinny and tall is the equivalent of […]

teen to teen anxiety

Teen To Teen: Think You’re Alone? You’re Not

Authored by: Audrey Weber Being a teenager can be one of the best and worst times of your life. This season of life can bring so much joy as you find yourself and figure out who you want to be. However, this time of figuring out life for yourself can also bring anger, frustration, anxiety, […]

teen to teen pick me up

Teen To Teen: When I Need a Pick Me Up: Disney Quotes Sure to Brighten Anyone’s Day

Authored by: Darby Duncan Everyone gets down now and then and sometimes we just need some help to get back up again. One thing that helps me are quotes. Whether they are book quotes, movie quotes, or just famous sayings, they can be uplifting. My “go-to” quotes are Disney quotes—guaranteed to make you smile and […]

Teen To Teen: Say “Sayonara” To SAD: A Teen Perspective On Seasonal Affective Disorder

By Delaney Whede When the days get shorter and the weather gets colder, many people suffer from seasonal depression, also known as Seasonal Affective Disorder or “SAD”. I’ve personally noticed that as the seasons change, so do my moods. As winter sets in and the days become darker and colder, I become far more lethargic […]

Teen To Teen: Loving the Skin You’re In & Finding the Beauty In Our Bodies

By: Monica, 17 As women, the world likes to tell us that we are supposed to look a certain way. Whether it’s a skinny waist or curves to a year-round beachy tan, standards are held up for girls of all ages that are quite literally impossible for everyone to meet. Many girls struggle with body […]