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unplanned pregnancy

How To Tell Friends & Family About Your Unplanned Pregnancy

Finding out you are pregnant is something that can be pretty scary if you had not planned on getting pregnant. First thoughts may include, how am I going to tell my friends, the father, my boyfriend, and my parents, his parents?

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Thoughts of how others will perceive you and how your unplanned pregnancy will affect your life can be overwhelming. It might be daunting to think about others’ reactions when you are unprepared to deal with the reality yourself.

You may be emotional, and quite upset, just trying to come to terms with the news yourself. I am going to share my personal story to help others.

I Found Out I Was Pregnant

I went to the doctor due to not feeling well.

Next, I got a phone call from the doctor’s office, confirming my pregnancy. I was shocked! Back in the day, there was no such thing as a home pregnancy test. As a counselor, who experienced an unplanned pregnancy while in college, I can tell you firsthand, the emotions were mixed. I felt alone, even though my boyfriend supported me. I am sure he felt overwhelmed, as well. I felt ashamed, confused, scared, and alone.

First, Confirm The Pregnancy

Before telling others about your pregnancy, you will want to confirm the pregnancy first, with a medically approved pregnancy test at your doctor’s or at Birthright St. Charles. We have medically approved tests that are accurate 7-10 days from your suspected conception date. A test helps to process the confirmed news with a trusted friend or counselor.

Then, Seek Unbiased, Professional Support

Next, allow yourself to take some time to absorb the news, breathe, and just be able to sit with whatever emotions you are having. Self-care is essential to your well-being and your unborn baby.  Birthright St. Charles counselors provide confidential support free of charge.

We provide you with unbiased feedback to encourage you to think logically about making that critical decision that will affect you for the rest of your life. Be kind and compassionate to yourself. It may help you to know that many others have come to make important decisions about their pregnancies based on the support that Birthright St. Charles can provide.

Remember, seeking counseling or therapy when you need it is healthy and absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. We all need a little help sometimes.

When you can think about what you want to do, you will need time to process your feelings. Following finding out about your pregnancy, it helps to know you are not alone. We are here to help you step by step as you go on this journey. You may experience many emotions all at once. It can be quite a shock to find out you are pregnant, and we can help.

Just knowing someone cares and is willing to be there to help will ease your mind.

It Is Important To Feel Safe & Confident With Friends & Family

When you tell friends and family about your pregnancy, you are inviting them to join you on the journey, not solve a problem.

When you feel more confident in your decision, you may feel more ready to present it to others. Be sure you feel safe both physically and mentally before telling friends and family about your unplanned pregnancy. If you don’t feel safe, find a trusted friend or professional to be by your side that can act as an advocate for you.

You may want to be prepared to tell parents what your next steps may be, such as applying for insurance if you need that and finding a doctor. Tell them your plans for your education, employment, or housing. If it helps, write a letter beforehand, planning what you want to say.

Our professional, Masters-level counselors are here and ready to help you catch your breath, consider your options, offer resources, and support, so you feel prepared and confident to share the news with others.

Remember, your safety and wellbeing is our highest priority! We will never give out your personal information to anyone, regardless of your age or their relation, without your express, written permission.

Think You’re Pregnant?

Get Your Free Pregnancy Test Today At Birthright St. Charles

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