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Tag Archives: healthy habits

Small Steps Big Changes: Food, Mood, and Moving Forward

By: Jami McDermott The holiday season, while traditionally associated with joy and celebration, can present unique challenges to our well-being. Here’s how to maintain balance during this time of year: Healthy Holiday Eating: Simple Ways to Nourish Your Body Mindful Food Choices: Instead of restrictive diets, focus on balanced options. Choose whole foods with simple […]

Birthright St. Charles - Listening

Listening with Purpose: Building Bridges in a Divided World

In today’s world, people seem less willing to accept differing viewpoints. Even when presented with facts, personal agendas can overshadow rational thought. It feels like anger and emotion dominate, leaving little room for understanding someone else’s perspective or finding common ground. While I’m not perfect in this regard, I strive to keep an open mind. […]

managing stress

Bring the Action: Steps for Dealing with the Stress of Returning to School

As summer winds its way to a close and school begins again, many high school students are immediately thrown into the deep end of juggling an ever-increasing workload, a part-time job, and numerous athletics and extracurriculars. Up Next: How Stress Affects The Way You Think & How To Cope With this immediate increase in stress, […]

healthy tech habits

Healthy Habits For Managing Screen Time

Around six months ago, I noticed I wasn’t sleeping as well as I had been in the past. I was having a hard time falling asleep, and I would wake up several times a night. My typical routine was to get into bed and scroll on my phone until I felt I could fall asleep; […]

body positivity

Teen To Teen: Mission Possible: Love Yourself, Love Your Body

Authored by: Elizabeth Petruso Whether you are a size one or a size 13, 5’1” or 6’2” you are beautiful in a unique way, in which no one else can be.  Up Next: 8 Reasons To Value Sisterhood Today & Everyday Social media shares the idea that being skinny and tall is the equivalent of […]

Teen To Teen: Loving the Skin You’re In & Finding the Beauty In Our Bodies

By: Monica, 17 As women, the world likes to tell us that we are supposed to look a certain way. Whether it’s a skinny waist or curves to a year-round beachy tan, standards are held up for girls of all ages that are quite literally impossible for everyone to meet. Many girls struggle with body […]