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Tag Archives: stress

Small Steps Big Changes: Food, Mood, and Moving Forward

By: Jami McDermott The holiday season, while traditionally associated with joy and celebration, can present unique challenges to our well-being. Here’s how to maintain balance during this time of year: Healthy Holiday Eating: Simple Ways to Nourish Your Body Mindful Food Choices: Instead of restrictive diets, focus on balanced options. Choose whole foods with simple […]

Surviving the Holiday Season: Tips to Protect Your Peace

Author: Jennifer Burch, MA LPC   Introduction: Embracing Joy While Managing Stress The holiday season is a time of joy, laughter, and togetherness, but it can also become a whirlwind of obligations and stress. As women, we often feel the pressure to create magical moments for our families while managing our emotional well-being. This year, […]

From TikTok to Tranquility: My Quest for a Calmer Morning

Can you believe it? The air is cooling off, school’s back in session, and we’re racing toward another wild election season. And don’t even get me started on the holidays—time to prepare for those awkward family dinners and the 57th debate over who brings the stuffing. Meanwhile, I wake up earlier each morning with anxious […]

managing stress

Bring the Action: Steps for Dealing with the Stress of Returning to School

As summer winds its way to a close and school begins again, many high school students are immediately thrown into the deep end of juggling an ever-increasing workload, a part-time job, and numerous athletics and extracurriculars. Up Next: How Stress Affects The Way You Think & How To Cope With this immediate increase in stress, […]

self care

Self-Care Is Valuable Because You Are Valuable!

Self-care is a term that we hear more and more in our world, especially in the mental health care profession. As a professional counselor, one of the questions I may ask someone is, “what does your self-care routine look like?” The reactions to that inquiry range from, “What is that?” to a detailed routine that […]

stressed out mama

An Open Letter To The Stressed Out Mamas

Dear stressed out Mama, I see you. I see you relishing the amazing thing that motherhood is, while still feeling totally overwhelmed and exhausted at the end of the day. I see you being pulled in a hundred different directions and trying to make everything work for everyone else without a second thought to your […]

teen to teen pick me up

Teen To Teen: When I Need a Pick Me Up: Disney Quotes Sure to Brighten Anyone’s Day

Authored by: Darby Duncan Everyone gets down now and then and sometimes we just need some help to get back up again. One thing that helps me are quotes. Whether they are book quotes, movie quotes, or just famous sayings, they can be uplifting. My “go-to” quotes are Disney quotes—guaranteed to make you smile and […]

what not to say to stressed moms

What To Say (And Not To Say!) To The Stressed-Out Moms In Your Life

We are all familiar with the experience of feeling stressed out and stretched beyond what we feel capable of handling. In these instances, many of us turn to our friends or close family for connection, assurance, and a place to release and vent our frustrations or worries. Up Next: How Birthright Supports Working Moms These […]