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Tag Archives: life lessons

learned helplessness

Learned Helplessness: Living Beyond Your Past

By: Jami McDermott, Outreach Coordinator In our minds, we all have some funky mental stuff going on, right? It’s what psychologists call “complexes.” They’re like the mental patterns that shape how we see ourselves and the world. They come from past experiences, trauma, belief systems, and upbringings. So, what are these “complexes”? Think of them […]


How To Survive Inflation

By: Terry Blanton MSW, LCSW The country is facing economic issues, and you may feel the pain as the cost of food, gas, housing, and everything else increases in price. While your income has stayed the same and your needs have increased, you may feel financially pinched. So, what can you do?


I’m Glad You’re Mine

By: Jami McDermott Valentine’s Day is here, and the stores are filled with heart-shaped candy boxes, roses, and cute little stuffed animals all dressed in bright red and pink, stamped with cute little comments to tell you that someone loves you and thinks you are special. Expectations and emotions are stirred as you are inundated […]

parent break

Take a “Parent Break”: Refresh YOU!

  Dear friend, This may be hard to imagine, but sometimes you do need time off from parenting. Don’t let anyone make you feel bad about this time. Your feelings are valid. Yes, parenting is essential, honorable, and rewarding, but that doesn’t mean you can’t take a break to help you reset. Mental and physical […]

finding joy in life

Anchoring to Joy: How to Cultivate Peace in the Chaos of Life

This time of the year is challenging and often demanding. Beginning a new year can feel like starting again with the stress of new and remaining challenges. It can sometimes feel like the chaos doesn’t stop but shapeshifts into “the next thing”—medical issues, unexpected bills, family and friends in need, car accidents, storm damage, job […]

Teen To Teen: Learning to Love Myself, Day by Day

Seven in ten girls believe that they’re not good enough or don’t measure up to society’s standards, whether it’s looks, performance in school, family life, or relationships with friends. Over 70% of girls age 15 to 17 avoid normal daily activities, such as simply attending school, when they’re feeling insecure.

reach out for help

Reaching Out for Help

Some people naturally struggle with reaching out and asking for help. I should know; I am one of them. The truth is, it’s hard to ask for help. While I can’t say I’ve completed a journey of discovery to find myself and have finally moved past this issue, I am proud to say I’m working […]

body positivity

Teen To Teen: Mission Possible: Love Yourself, Love Your Body

Authored by: Elizabeth Petruso Whether you are a size one or a size 13, 5’1” or 6’2” you are beautiful in a unique way, in which no one else can be.  Up Next: 8 Reasons To Value Sisterhood Today & Everyday Social media shares the idea that being skinny and tall is the equivalent of […]

teen to teen pick me up

Teen To Teen: When I Need a Pick Me Up: Disney Quotes Sure to Brighten Anyone’s Day

Authored by: Darby Duncan Everyone gets down now and then and sometimes we just need some help to get back up again. One thing that helps me are quotes. Whether they are book quotes, movie quotes, or just famous sayings, they can be uplifting. My “go-to” quotes are Disney quotes—guaranteed to make you smile and […]