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Tag Archives: mental health

Birthright Offers Text Messaging

Birthright Now Offers Text Messaging

If you think you’re pregnant, talking to someone over the phone can be difficult. You may not know what to say or how you feel. That’s why Birthright of St. Charles now offers text messaging. Text Your Requests, Questions, & Concerns to a Friendly Ear It’s becoming less common to pick up a phone and […]


Birthright St. Charles is HERE for the WHOLE WOMAN

By: Jennifer Burch, M.Ed, PLPC Pregnancy, whether expected or unplanned, can sometimes be overwhelming at times… physically and emotionally. Birthright St. Charles is here to support the “whole woman,” not just her needs specific to pregnancy. Our professional counselors are available to sit with the woman (you) and address any stressors she(you) may be facing. […]

20 Free Date Night Ideas to Do with Your Significant Other

By Taylor Packard, MA, PLPC Counselor Finding intentional time for each other with the business of life and if you’re in the parenting season can be difficult. Date nights don’t have to be expensive or extravagant to make memories and build a stronger connection. It is important to fill your relationship up, so you can […]

Music Therapy

Stream Into Positivity Through Music

  Music is a language anyone can understand: It speaks to our brains in powerful, beautiful ways. It jump-starts our emotions, creativity, memory, and quality of life. With mental health awareness on the rise and teens wanting to take care of their well-being, what can music do to affect the human brain positively?

parent break

Take a “Parent Break”: Refresh YOU!

  Dear friend, This may be hard to imagine, but sometimes you do need time off from parenting. Don’t let anyone make you feel bad about this time. Your feelings are valid. Yes, parenting is essential, honorable, and rewarding, but that doesn’t mean you can’t take a break to help you reset. Mental and physical […]

healthy relationships

Empowering The Fathers In Your Life

All fathers are important and influence a child’s life. There are varying reasons why men either become active participants in their children’s life or do not. When the choice is to embrace the parenting role, either alone or with the mother, the dynamics of the relationship between father and child become integral to the child’s […]

finding joy in life

Anchoring to Joy: How to Cultivate Peace in the Chaos of Life

This time of the year is challenging and often demanding. Beginning a new year can feel like starting again with the stress of new and remaining challenges. It can sometimes feel like the chaos doesn’t stop but shapeshifts into “the next thing”—medical issues, unexpected bills, family and friends in need, car accidents, storm damage, job […]

older siblings

“When Do They Go Back” – Tips For Helping Siblings Adjust To A New Baby

The birth of a new baby can elicit various feelings for everyone in the family, including any newly minted older siblings. Every individual child will react uniquely. While some may find their new role as “Big brother” or “Big Sister” brings pride, status, and new privileges and freedoms, others may wonder – “Why’d you go […]

healthy tech habits

Healthy Habits For Managing Screen Time

Around six months ago, I noticed I wasn’t sleeping as well as I had been in the past. I was having a hard time falling asleep, and I would wake up several times a night. My typical routine was to get into bed and scroll on my phone until I felt I could fall asleep; […]