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Category Archives: Pregnancy

A Letter To You, Our Clients

By: Birthright St. Charles Team As we reflect on 2024, we’re reminded of the challenges we’ve overcome, the inspiration we’ve drawn from opportunities to support women, and the renewed hope we’ve found in their strength and ability to achieve amazing things. In these changing times, we’ve worked hard to provide the support and assistance women […]

Birthright Offers Text Messaging

Birthright Now Offers Text Messaging

If you think you’re pregnant, talking to someone over the phone can be difficult. You may not know what to say or how you feel. That’s why Birthright of St. Charles now offers text messaging. Text Your Requests, Questions, & Concerns to a Friendly Ear It’s becoming less common to pick up a phone and […]

Breastfeeding in Public

I remember with clarity the first time I attempted to breastfeed my newborn son in a public setting (in actuality, though amidst a group of people, we were still in the privacy and comfort of a good friend’s home.) I was doing my best to make breastfeeding work since I had learned during pregnancy all […]


Birthright St. Charles is HERE for the WHOLE WOMAN

By: Jennifer Burch, M.Ed, PLPC Pregnancy, whether expected or unplanned, can sometimes be overwhelming at times… physically and emotionally. Birthright St. Charles is here to support the “whole woman,” not just her needs specific to pregnancy. Our professional counselors are available to sit with the woman (you) and address any stressors she(you) may be facing. […]

counseling birthright st. charles

Developing Attachment With Your Baby During Pregnancy

By: Taylor Packard, PLPC Sometimes parents don’t always feel a flood of bonding emotions toward their baby right away. It is normal for the attachment to take time to develop and grow. It can be difficult to feel connected with your growing baby during pregnancy.

abortion pill reversal

Abortion Pill Reversal: What If I Change My Mind?

When faced with the reality of an unplanned pregnancy, women are faced with the difficult decision surrounding options of parenting, adoption or abortion. Many times this decision can be overwhelming due to questions, concerns and outside pressures. Up Next: Will Abortion Impact My Relationship? Things To Consider For pregnancies that are 10 weeks along or […]

unplanned pregnancy

How To Tell Friends & Family About Your Unplanned Pregnancy

Finding out you are pregnant is something that can be pretty scary if you had not planned on getting pregnant. First thoughts may include, how am I going to tell my friends, the father, my boyfriend, and my parents, his parents? Up Next: Will Abortion Impact My Relationship? Things To Consider Thoughts of how others […]

Abortion? Pause & Breathe

The first moment you see two lines indicating a positive pregnancy test can bring on a flood of emotions and questions, such as: “Why me?”, “How can I or we do this?”, “What am I supposed to do now?” or even, “There’s no way.” You may feel fear, anxiety, panic or disbelief. Learning of or […]