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When It’s Not the Right Time

“Thank you, but it’s just not the right time” How often do we find ourselves repeating this common mantra with a slight wince?

Up Next: An Open Letter To The Stressed Out Mamas

“I would, but it’s not the right time” can be a way to fill a blank space in a conversation or life situation that is pulling us towards something we don’t feel prepared for. Facing profound decisions or potential commitments can signal our hesitation and self-doubt about if we could do what is being asked of us or are capable of the effort required. There can be a level of excitement mixed with fear or anxiety.

I get it – I have felt that same feeling and have given that same response.  Yet, when I think back on those moments—you may know the ones—filled with responses that allow me to dodge a commitment for the time, I still find myself facing the need for a real answer.

The “Wrong” Time May Be The “Right” Time

Those moments, conversations, and life situations usually become the ones that can help shape our future and cause us to discover strengths we didn’t know we had. Is it possible that the times in our lives may not feel like “the right time” can actually be times of opportunity?

A chance to make a difference for ourselves, others, and those around us? When faced with an opportunity to say “yes” or “no” to a commitment, you are worth the effort it may take to reflect more deeply, rather than provide a quick statement hoping to push that something away.

I have worked with pregnant women for 18 years or so and have shared in many “It’s not the right time” scenarios and moments with brave women simply feeling downright overwhelmed. Pregnancy seems to be one of those life events that rarely seem to come at the right time, and yet—we’re all here! Life has continued despite that initial fear, doubt, and, yes, even hardships that may need to be worked through.

Contact The Trusted Counselors At Birthright St. Charles

Birthright St. Charles has professional, master’s level counselors, like me, who are ready and willing to listen to the “what if’s,” the concerns, and the doubts. We are here to help remove the fear, anxiety, and “I don’t knows” to ensure you aren’t missing an opportunity, a step outside of your comfort, to find your new strengths, abilities, and capabilities—to love and find joy.

Sometimes, the seemingly wrong time can be the exact right time to reach a new level of living and thriving with the right help, support, and guidance. That’s why we are here, to help you make a plan that fits best with your life—a plan that empowers you.

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