By: Jami McDermott
Valentine’s Day is here, and the stores are filled with heart-shaped candy boxes, roses, and cute little stuffed animals all dressed in bright red and pink, stamped with cute little comments to tell you that someone loves you and thinks you are special.
Expectations and emotions are stirred as you are inundated with media ads and the latest Hallmark movie suggesting that you aren’t special or complete unless you are in a romantic relationship filled with grand gestures and public pronouncements of love.
Romance is good, but today’s culture is waking up to the flaw in this ideology while celebrating the many diverse types of relationships that fill your unique life. These relationships may not be considered sexy or worthy of envy. Still, they are important and deserve their day to be celebrated.
Love Myself Day
People are not designed to live in solitude, but we all have blocks of time in our lives where we find it easier or even more enjoyable to be alone. When embraced, this time can be healing and very peaceful. I thrive during this time, taking quiet walks, reading my favorite books, playing guitar, or taking time for self-reflection and prayer. The noise of others influences quiets, and I find contentment with where I am.
The problem is that this relationship must be nurtured and embraced with practice. Although it is natural, it can feel unnatural, especially if you have grown up in the age of social media where silence was replaced with Tik Tok, Insta-likes, music, or simply crazy family dynamics.
Feeling uncomfortable with yourself and silence is more common than you know, but take the challenge and commit time to learn about yourself. You are pretty awesome, so do something nice for yourself!
Galentine’s Day (Bestie Day)
Your best friends are the people who finish your sentences; make you laugh till you cry; call you just because they think of you; and drop everything to rush to your side when you need them. They understand your chaos with no condemnation and are ready to pick up where you left off the last time you saw them.
Their love comes without judgment, but they won’t shy away from the truth either. Because of this loyalty and familiarity, they can be the first to be disregarded or neglected when life becomes too hectic. Carve out some time to show them just how special they are to you.
Crazy Family Day
Family dynamics can be uncertain in these special relationships. They can be filled with times of growth, love, comradery, and fellowship, followed by division, jealousy, and misunderstandings. They are an integral part of your personal story regardless of your differences.
Some are more dysfunctional than others, but mixed with everyone’s craziness; there will always be a sprinkle of joy, laughter, love, and fun. Celebrate these special relationships with time and acceptance, for you are also an important player in their story.
Parent/Child Day (Intertwined Day)
Whether or not to have children is something most people will have to consider at some point in their lives. Regardless of the timing, or unplanned circumstance, it should be carefully thought through to discover what it means for you today and tomorrow. A special relationship that can begin during pregnancy can be created that is unique to a woman and her child.
Once embraced, a bond will grow as the woman and child experience everything together until birth. This relationship is valuable as you are bonded by the special moments, inside jokes & games, the learning, laughing, and loving as you experience the world together. This evolves into a relationship that never stops changing as the child grows into adulthood.
Enjoy this relationship. Make a favorite snack or craft, play a game, watch a favorite movie, take selfies, or go through old pics & relive the memories. Celebrate your connection.
This month, don’t worry about being someone’s Valentine. Instead, create your holiday to recognize the ones you love and who love you. Surprise them with a little gift of your time and attention. Design a card and put a handwritten note inside, show up on a doorstep with their favorite snack or baked goodies, or plan a movie night. It doesn’t need to be elaborate, just thoughtful.
Make sure they know, “I’m Glad You’re Mine!”